July 13, 2023

ahmed headshotWe are thrilled to announce the launch of "Global Leadership Perspectives on Industry, Society, and Government in an Era of Uncertainty," edited by our esteemed Dean of Division of Business, Leadership and Communication, Dr. Ezaz Ahmed. Published by IGI Global, USA, the book provides unique insights into the ways leaders from various fields are navigating through crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leadership during crises is an essential but complex task. Dr. Ahmed's work delves into contemporary leadership issues, traces the evolution of leadership theories, and discerns between management and leadership. The book casts light on how these aspects intersect with gender, culture, and diverse fields of knowledge. Key topics such as employee retention, leadership skills, and women entrepreneurship are extensively discussed, making it an invaluable resource for a broad spectrum of readers. In these unpredictable times, this book’s release could not be timelier. The in-depth examination of leadership in the face of crises resonates particularly with the ongoing global uncertainty.

This work epitomizes Columbia College's commitment to fostering thought leadership, encouraging intellectual exploration, and promoting innovative ideas. Our faculty's diverse expertise and groundbreaking research continue to shape critical dialogues and make a significant impact on academia, industry, and society. "Global Leadership Perspectives on Industry, Society, and Government in an Era of Uncertainty" is now available on the IGI Global website: http://www.igi-global.com/book/global-leadership-perspectives-industry-society/312493

Let's celebrate this incredible accomplishment by Dean Ahmed, and his significant contribution to the field of leadership studies!

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